Sergey Pyrlin

Sergey Pyrlin
Junior Researcher

Institution: CF-UM-UP: Center of Physics of the Universities of Minho and Porto

Contact: pyrlinsv (at)


Dr. Sergey V. Pyrlin is a junior researcher (PhD) at the Center of Physics of the Universities of Minho and Porto (CF-UM-PU). The research of Dr. Pyrlin focuses on using molecular- and mesoscale level simulations to study unusual phenomena in novel functional materials such as programmed self-assembly and transport phenomena in nanostructured materials. Throughout his career Sergey has been an early-stage researcher within Marie Curie ITN “CONTACT”, resulting in a PhD degree in Physics awarded by the University of Minho in 2016, an FCT fellow in management in Science and Technology as well as a post-doctorial researcher within UT Austin-Portugal project UT-BORN-PT: Unconventional Thermoelectrics Based on Self-Organized Binary Nanocrystal Superlatices and an ongoing FCT funded project SATRAP: Rational design of Self-Assembling networks for TRansparent electrode Applications.

Keywords: self-assembly, molecular simulation, high performance computing, DFT, molecular dynamics

Expertise sought: Chemists in metal-organic and covalent-organic frameworks; flexible electronic engineers for collaboration.

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