All international partnerships were present in the annual conference, in Lisbon, in the context of national and international success stories.
The UT Austin Portugal Program participated in the 2nd Conference of the National Forum for Digital Competences, InCoDe.2030, that took place on December 12th, at the Lisbon Congress Center.
FCT’s international partnerships were present during the event, showcasing their initiatives and current projects in an all-day exhibition and introducing their strategic lines of action for the renewed phase. For the UT Austin Portugal Program, it also proved to be the right opportunity to present the new visual identity, and promote the Advanced Computing Training Program, which will open a new call in 2019.
According to the organization, “the National Forum for Digital Competences is responsible for gathering and coordinating a broad range of private and public companies and institutions, to ensure widespread mobilisation for the National Digital Competences Initiative, Portugal INCoDe.2030”. The Forum is also behind the organisation of an annual conference in which the developments in each line of action of the initiative (Inclusion, Education, Qualification, Specialization and Research) are presented and analysed, in the context of national and international success stories and good practices.
Photo credits: InCoDe.2030
The Portugal INCoDe.2030 initiative addresses the concept of digital competences in a broad manner, focusing on the promotion of digital inclusion and literacy by educating younger generations from an early age, qualifying the active population and specialising its graduates for advanced digital jobs. The main goal is to turn Portugal into a net contributor for the new digital developments.
The event, chaired by Rogério Carapuça, President of the Portuguese Association for the Development of Communications (APDC), counted on the presence of Governance members, mayors, teachers, primary school and higher education students, entrepreneurs and researchers with ongoing projects and ideas for the future of Portugal.
Manuel Heitor, Minister of Science for Technology and Higher Education, had the closing words.