Eurico Pereira

Beneficiary of the Short-term Research Internships at the University of Texas at Austin 2023

Role PhD Student
Affiliation Institution iCBR, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra
Host Institution Department of Radiation Physics, the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Program Area Medical Physics

Short Bio

Eurico Pereira completed his Master’s Degree in Biomedical Research in 2020 at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra, and his degree in Biomedical Pharmacy in 2018 at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Coimbra. He is now a PhD Student (FCT grant) in the Doctoral Program in Health Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra, hosted at Biophysics Institute – iCBR, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra, working in the fields of oncology, preclinical models, and biophysics.

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Work description

Eurico’s project includes studying how radiotherapy can be used as a vaccine to stimulate the immune system to combat cancer. His work aims to find strategies to sensitize cancers that are resistant to immune checkpoint blockade. During his stay at MD Anderson Cancer Center, Eurico will study how radiation-induced cytosolic DNA fragments generate an anti-tumor immune activation.

Expectations about the Short-term Research Internship

The MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston is a world-renowned research institution at the forefront of cancer studies and treatment. With its cutting-edge research facilities and a multidisciplinary approach, it stands as a beacon of excellence in the field of oncology. The center’s commitment to innovation and patient care underscores its reputation as one of the leading cancer research centers globally. Undertaking an internship at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, through the UT Austin Portugal Program, is an exhilarating opportunity. I anticipate gaining profound insights into advanced oncological research, enriching my knowledge and skills in the fight against cancer.

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Gabriel O. Sawakuchi

Board-certified Medical Physicist and Associate Professor
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center