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UT Austin Portugal Program funds exploratory research projects

Applications in advanced computing, nano materials, space-earth interactions and clean energy will be accepted until January 22. Promoting the development of joint exploratory research projects...

UT Austin Portugal Program promotes free training for entrepreneurs

The training action is inspired by the American NSF I-Corps™ program; the winning teams will receive an award: a week at the University of...

International partnership invests €90K to offer research internships at the University...

Researchers, master’s, or PhD students can apply until May 15.  The UT Austin Portugal Program will provide research internships focusing on the areas of Advanced...

SAPO Tek | Programa UT Austin oferece mentoria e prémios a...

(Portuguese only) A formação do Programa UT Austin Portugal é inspirada na iniciativa norte-americana NSF I-Corps e há um prémio para as equipas vencedoras: uma...

SAPO Tek | Workshop internacional aponta caminhos para tirar melhor partido...

(Portuguese only) "A iniciativa Bridging the Gap: Satellite Data and Models for Local Impact é promovida pelo programa UT Austin Portugal e pelo eoLab da...

Physics World | In-beam PET provides the first glimpse of a...

"(...) A team headed up by Karol Lang at the University of Texas at Austin is investigating the use of positron emission tomography (PET) to help...

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