Mónica Machado

Beneficiary of the Short-term Research Internships at the University of Texas at Austin 2023

Role PhD Student
Affiliation Institution Nova Medical School
Host Institution Biomedical Engineering Department, Cockrell School of Engineering
Program Area Nanotechnologies

Short Bio

Mónica has a MSc degree in Chemical and Biological Engineering. She is currently a Biomedicine´s PhD student at Nova Medical School with an individual PhD studenship from Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). Her work focus on the development of a nanostructured and time-controlled drug delivery system with applications in glaucoma treatment.

Work description

During her stay at UT Austin, Mónica’s work will focus on the study of the interaction of the antimitotic drug 5-Fluorouracil with fibroblast’s cells. It will help to understand how the drug acts to control the fibroblast’s cells growth.

Expectations about the Short-term Research Internship

The Biomedical Engineering department of UT Austin is provided with the best equipment and Technologies in Biomedical Engineering field focused in different areas such as drug-delivery and imaging. I hope to acquire new skills in characterization techniques, and to improve my scientific knowledge at the cellular level, applied to my PhD Project.

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Jeanne Stachowiak

Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin