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Atlantic from Space Workshop
January 23, 2019 | January 25, 2019

The focus of this workshop is to assess the opportunities for regionally focussed EO research and development, downstream activities and ICT evolution, which may be the basis for future ESA investments to address some of the key information needs of this important area. These opportunities will be framed with respect to emerging Earth science, development of novel applications, testing innovative information services and implementing required upgrades to capabilities to manage and manipulate large data volumes.
1. To review the main requirements from geo-information in the Atlantic Region from science to information services;
2. To review the main activities, projects and initiatives taking place in the region where Earth Observation may contribute;
3. To assess the potential of the increasing observation capacity offered by satellites to address the needs for science, applications and future information services;
4. To characterise gaps and identify high-level requirements and associated solutions for support ICT infrastructure in the Atlantic region, including the basis for developing an Atlantic Regional Earth Observation Exploitation Platform.
The workshop is organised around oral presentations and discussions. Sessions are designed around dedicated topics related to the workshop’s objectives.
Main topics include:
– Atlantic Ocean Processes including salinity and sea level dynamics
– Protecting the Ocean – eutrophication, pollution, aggregates extraction and ballast water exchange
– Land – Sea biogeochemical feedbacks in the Atlantic region
– Protecting biodiversity, sensitive ecosystems and natural capital
– Dealing with the “plastic continents” issue
– Natural hazards and extreme events in the Atlantic region
– Understanding regional variability and common issues with respect to water and energy exchanges
– Regional climate evolution modeling and forecasting
– Natural resources availability and exploitation in the Atlantic region
– Impacts of current and planned economic developments – tourism, cultural heritage and infrastructure deployment
– Spatial planning for the Atlantic region
– Atlantic regional initiatives for data management and exchange
Full program here.