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Aerospace Engineering – Future Challenges on Education and Research
October 14, 2019

Future challenges on Education and Research will be discussed at the Aerospace Engineering event.
The MIT Portugal Program, jointly with UT Austin Portugal and CEiiA, co-chair the AeroSpace Engineering event led by the School of Engineering from the University of Minho (UMinho), on October 14.
This event marks the signing of the memorandum of understanding between ITA – Aeronautical Technology Institute (Brazil) and School of Engineering from UMinho (Portugal), to prepare and offer short courses in aeronautical and aerospace engineering.
Provisional Program
9:30 Opening Ceremony
Pedro Arezes, EEUM | Alexandre Ferreira da Silva, MIT Portugal | Rui Oliveira, UTAustin Portugal | António M. Cunha, EEUM / DTx | VRT UMinho
10:30 Presentation of the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA)
Claudio Alves, ITA Rector – Brazil
10:45 Reading and signing Memorandum of Understanding between EEUM and ITA
11:00 Coffee Break
11:15 Keynote #1
Edward Crawley, MIT AeroAstro – USA (tbc)
11:45 Roundtable #1 – Teaching and Research Challenges
Donizeti Andrade, ITA – Brazil | Nelson Costa, EEUM | Raul Fangueiro, EEUM | Fernando Lau, IST (tbc) | Pedro Gamboa, UBI | Tiago Rebelo, CEIIA | Albertino Arteiro, FEUP / UTAustin Portugal | Moderator: Gustavo Dias, EEUM
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Keynote #2
S. Chakrabarti, Center for Space Science & Technology, UMass Lowell – USA
14:30 Roundtable #2 – The Challenges of Companies in the ASD Sector
Emir Sirage, Edisoft (tbc)| Francisco Vilhena da Cunha, Tekever (tbc) | Paulo Antunes, Stratosphere | João Taborda, Embraer * | José Neves, AED Cluster Portugal (tbc) | GMV (tbc) | Moderator: António M. Cunha, EEUM / DTx
15:30 Keynote #3
Chiara Manfletti, Portugal Space Agency
16:00 Closing
[Event in Portuguese]
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