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Interdisciplinary Earth Observation (EO): Land, Ocean, and Atmosphere Workshop
November 11, 2019 | November 12, 2019

The UT Austin Portugal Program invites you to participate in the Interdisciplinary Earth Observation (EO) workshop, to be held at INESC TEC, learning from senior researchers and practitioners across different fields through theoretical sessions and hands-on training modules.
Registration is now CLOSED.
Are you an EO scientist or an EO-based solutions provider, business user
or decision maker?
Are you looking for possible partners in order to fully exploit the potential of
the EO economy?
Earth Observation technologies allow the advancement of science, management, and decision-making through the frequent acquisition of multivariate global data. Natural and manmade processes and features can be identified, monitored, and characterized in unprecedented ways. Earth Observation systems like Europe’s Sentinels, the American Landsat, or sensors on-board the International Space Station, provide near real-time data useful for ocean, land, and atmospheric research and applications. Leveraging and interpreting the enormous volume of data produced by such systems requires specific skills, which are often interdisciplinary in their nature. Mining Space-based Big Data relies increasingly on machine and deep-learning techniques, bringing together two fields of enormous potential but complex requirements.
Despite the challenges, businesses and public agencies alike are incorporating EO data in operations, which are now employed in a routine manner. To do so, training professionals from a broad range of non-space disciplines is a critical step to ensure the correct use and incorporation of satellite data in Earth-centred research and applications. Building businesses relying on satellite data also entails specific challenges and opportunities, requiring strategies capable of coping with a rapidly evolving industry and state-of-the-art.
This “Interdisciplinary Earth Observation: Land, Ocean and Atmosphere” workshop provides hands-on training on a broad range of topics, including practical examples under the guidance of seasoned experts from American and Portuguese agencies, universities, and private companies. Each session includes theoretical and hands-on components, taught by senior researchers in each field.
Would you like to benefit from a free 3-month tutorial program for new EO partnering opportunities?
Follow-up Program
Please note the event is supplemented by a follow-up program, open to registered participants, who can access tutorial guidance on the topics addressed in this 2-day event. This follow-up program is designed to support the implementation of complement projects within the scope of the workshop. Activities include technical and tutorial support in the domains of Earth Observation, provided for a period of 3 months by the workshop coordinator and assisted by lecturers of the event and other experts.
(Scientific Coordination: Vasco Mantas, University of Coimbra)
November 11
8:30 | Registration
9:00 | Institutional Video & Welcome Remarks
(Rui Oliveira, National Co-Director, UT Austin Portugal Program)
9:15 | Space-Earth Interactions – A strategic area for UT Austin Portugal
(Luísa Bastos, UT Austin Portugal Area Co-Director Space-Earth Interactions)
9: 45 | Workshop Overview
(Vasco Mantas, University of Coimbra)
10:00 | Development of National Land Change Products
(George Xian, U.S. Geological Survey, Earth Resources Observation and Science Center)
11:00 | Coffee Break
11:15 | Satellite-based Global Precipitation Data and Services at NASA GES DISC Part I
(Zhong Liu, NASA and George Mason University)
12:15 | Networking Lunch
13:30 | Satellite-based Global Precipitation Data and Services at NASA GES DISC Part II
(Zhong Liu, NASA and George Mason University)
15:30 | Coffee break
16:00 | Multi-satellite Land Data Assimilation
(Zong-Liang Yang, The University of Texas at Austin)
17:30 | Registration moment for the follow-up program
18:00 | Day one wrap-up
November 12
8:30 | Registration
9:00 | Near coast Bathymetry based on wave characteristics – Inverse methods
(Paulo Baganha, University of Aveiro)
10:00 | Near coast Bathymetry based on wave characteristics – Inverse methods: Case study
(Sandra Fernandez, University of Aveiro)
10:45 | Coffee Break
11:00 | The current challenges and opportunities in the Commercial sector EO
(Koushik Panda, Deimos)
12:00 | A blueprint for space-based forest monitoring? FOCUS and the future of operational services in Europe (Vasco Mantas, University of Coimbra)
13:00 | Closing Remarks
Target Audience
This workshop targets undergraduate and graduate students, professional users of geospatial data and decision makers. A basic understanding of Earth Observation technologies and GIS is recommended.
Attendance is free of charge but limited to 20 participants for each day of the workshop. Selection will be made by order of registration. Note that although you may register for only one day of the workshop (day 1 or day 2), we highly recommend participants planning to only attend day 2 to also register for the previous day.
Registration is now CLOSED.
Participants are expected to bring a laptop. A list of required software (if any) will be provided in a timely manner, via email.
This event is organized by the UT Austin Portugal Program and the Area of Space-Earth Interactions, with the support of the University of Coimbra and H2020 project FOCUS
For additional queries and information, contact us at events@utaustinportugal.org