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New Challenges in Medical Physics
December 12, 2019 | December 13, 2019

Join us for the first event of Medical Physics promoted by the
UT Austin Portugal Program!
This conference aims at facilitating scientific and professional networking opportunities under different topics related to the New challenges in Medical Physics.
With the support of the UT Austin Portugal Program and the area of Medical Physics, this one-and-a-half-day event relies on a scientific program lined up and coordinated by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra (FMUC) Institute for Clinical and Biomedical Research (iCBR) and its research strand Environment, Genetics and Oncobiology (CIMAGO).
A handful of experts from different research fields and organizations in Portugal but also from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) are convening in Coimbra to discuss current trends and spark knowledge exchange in Medical Physics, with innovative approaches in radiotherapy, targeted radionuclide therapy and proton therapy deserving a special place in the event agenda. Invited speakers will be looking not only into the foundations of the selected core topics, but also into related novel developments and clinical applicability.
December 12
8:30 | Registration
9:00 | Round table 1: Innovative Approaches in Radiotherapy
Chairs: João Pedroso de Lima (CHUC, ICNAS, FMUC, Portugal), Steven Hsesheng Lin (MDACC, USA)
António Paulo (IST, Portugal): Multifunctional gold nanoparticles for cancer theranostics
Filipe Caseiro Alves (Hospital da Luz, FMUC, Portugal): Novel imaging biomarkers in oncology
João Casalta Lopes (CHUC, Portugal): Clinical applications of innovations in radiotherapy
10:30 | Opening Ceremony
Carlos Robalo Cordeiro, Director, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra
Rui Oliveira, National Co-Director, UT Austin Portugal Program
Margarida Ornelas, President, Board of Directors of IPOCFG E.P.E
Catarina Resende Oliveira, President, AICIB
Maria Filomena Botelho, Director, Biophysics Institute of ICBR-CIMAGO, FMUC
11:00 | Coffee Break
11:30 | Keynote Lecture
Steven Hsesheng Lin (MDACC, USA): Mitigating radiation induced lymphopenia to enhance radiation and immunotherapy clinical outcomes
12:30 | Lunch
14:00 | Keynote Lecture
João Seco (DKFZ, Germany): Biological effective ion-beam DNA damage
15:00 | Round table 2: Targeted Radionuclide Therapy
Chair: José Marques (IST, Portugal)
Maria Filomena Botelho (ICBR-CIMAGO, FMUC, Portugal): Radiobiology – basic principles
Luís Freire (ESTeSL, IPL, Portugal): Dosimetry measurements in radionuclide therapy: the fundamentals and the new challenges
Paula Alves (IPOCFG E.P.E, Portugal): Clinical perspectives on targeted radionuclide therapy
16:30 | Closing Speech
Manuel Heitor, Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education
16:45 | Reception
17:30 | End of day 1
December 13
8:45 | Registration
9:00 | Round table 3: Therapy with Protons
Chairs: João Oliveira (IPO Lisboa, Portugal), X. Ronald Zhu (MDACC, USA)
Paulo Crespo (LIP, Portugal): Monitoring proton therapy treatments via prompt gamma imaging: Monte Carlo’s studies
Pedro Vaz (IST, Portugal): Dosimetry, shielding and research in a proton therapy facility
Cátia Pedro (IPO Lisboa, Portugal): Clinical perspectives on protontherapy
10:30 | Coffee Break
11:00 | Keynote Lecture
X. Ronald Zhu (MDACC, USA): Physical bases of protontherapy
12:00 | Closing Remarks
Rui Oliveira, National Co-Director, UT Austin Portugal Program
12:15 | End of day 2
Target Audience
The conference has been designed for medical residents, medical oncologists, biomedical engineers, physicists, nurses, medical imaging, radiotherapy technologists, researchers and students from all involved disciplines, interested in taking part in a wider discussion about the scientific and clinical directions of Medical Physics.
Attendance is free of charge but registration is mandatory.
Registration is now closed.
Scientific coordination by Professor Maria Filomena Botelho, from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra, in collaboration with the UT Austin Portugal’s Scientific Directors for the Area of Medical Physics, Professor José Marques, from Técnico Lisboa and Dr. João Oliveira, from IPO Lisboa.